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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Trends

The 11 Best EdTech Tools To Enhance Your Classroom

The days of relying solely on books and other traditional source materials in classrooms are long gone. Education Technology (EdTech), among other emerging technologies, is now finding its way into classrooms. While in-person interaction remains an essential component of classroom…

EdTech: A Billion-Dollar industry

There was a time when education was confined to the four walls of a classroom, with textbooks and chalkboards as its primary tools. But with the advent of technology, the education industry has undergone a major transformation, making learning a…

The 8 Best E-learning Authoring Tools for 2023

There has been a sharp rise in e-learning after the whole world went remote in 2020 due to unprecedented circumstances. With that, most instructors, and corporate professionals came across a major challenge of creating professional e-learning courses.  They didn’t know…

The 5 Best EdTech Tools to Try in 2023

The field of education has undergone a major transformation, and technology has played a crucial role in shaping the future of learning. It has changed the way we learn and educate in classroom settings.  While the pandemic is still lingering…